What Happened to the Review of the Bay Gateway?
/Lancashire County Council were required to conduct an evaluation of the £125,000,000 A683 Bay Gateway road building scheme to provide feedback to the Department for Transport so that they can provide accountability for the investment, provide evidence for future spending decisions, enhance the effectiveness of existing schemes, and improve future schemes based on learning.
According to senior orificers from Lancashire County Council Highways department “At the 2019 Evaluation; Matt Hodges attended representing the local Lancaster group Dynamo and Cycling UK and it would be great if he is still available.” You can read Dynamo’s account of the workshop here (https://lancasterdynamo.wordpress.com/2019/07/18/report-back-from-bay-gateway-stakeholder-meeting-10-july/). There was monitoring data collected in 2018 that was no doubt shown at the workshop, but interestingly that did not even get a passing mention in either the notes provided to the council by Dynamo following the meeting (https://lancasterdynamo.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/bay-gateway-workshop-notes-2019.pdf), or in their blog post.
It was clear from their original message to Cycling UK that the council orificers were keen for Matt Hodges to attend again, he had already proved himself to be more than happy to turn a blind eye to anything that might not reflect well on the council or its oficers, such as the fact that there was already evidence of a significant decline in cycling levels in central Lancaster. Any good cycling campaigner would usually have a very keen interest in anything that was specifically about cycling, especially information on levels of cycling because it is such a rare thing.
The figure below is the walking and cycling monitoring data that was shown at the workshop which Matt Hodges attended on behald of Dynamo and the rest of the cycling community. We will leave it to you to decide whether Matt Hodges decision not to raise anything about this was genuinely in the best interests of local peple who ride bikes.
Having invited a Cycling UK representative the same senior orificer from Lancashire County Council Highways department stated that “The 5 year evaluation workshop took place on Tuesday 27 February and local campaigner Matt Hodges attended and represented the cycling community as he did at the 1 year evaluation workshop and he also kindly produced the attached document.” We would provide a link to Dynamo’s blog post in which they summarised their attendance at this workshop, but we can’t because they never posted one. Whilst we do have a copy of the comments that Matt Hodges provided to the council following the workshop we aren’t making them publicly available because Dynamo haven’t, so we feel that it’s reasonable to assume that they don’t want either their members or anybody else to know about it. However, we did read them in detail and an assure you that, once again, Matt Hodges managed to avoid any mention of the now very concerning decline in cycling levels in and around the Lancaster area, as you can see from the figure showing the count data that was collected.
Oddly enough a whole year later Lancashire County Council still haven’t published the outcome of their review. Coud that be because the considerable decline in cycling levels in the Lancaster area was explicitly mentioned in the comments that were returned to the council by Cycling UK, because the council’s plan to ensure that Matt Hodges was the only representative of the cycling community and quietly brush the dramatic decline in cycling levels out of sight under the carpet was foiled by the dedication, determination, and persistence of Cycling UK’s Cycle Advocacy Network?