Ending the War on Drivers

We’ve already commented that the Government are “Ending the War on Drivers”, and trying to do this by making cycling more unpopular, and probably also more dangerous. However, the more observant among you might have noticed that Rishi Sunak wasn’t even elected as an MP until five years after “Ending the War on Drivers” had begun. So who really is at war with drivers, and why are the government so utterly incapable of stopping it?

I’m a keen drivist myself, but I can’t avoid noticing that the long journeys I did in on old Mini (with the heater on all the time, even in the summer) thirty years ago haven’t actually got any quicker, despite thirty years of road improvements, faster cars, better navigation, and smarter motorways.

Between 2020 and 2025 National Highways are going to spend over £800 for every car on the roads saving a whopping 36 minutes for each of them. So the question is, it it really worth £22 a minute not to sit in your car? But don’t worry, you’ve already had 25 minutes of your £22 a minute time saving, so nobody can swindle you out of it.

So with driving more popular than ever, about 10% more cars on the roads than when the Conservative government started “Ending the War on Drivers”, and cars so much bigger than they were before, can it really be people riding bikes that are causing all the problems on our roads?

Answers on a postcard please to trouble@mill