Club Secretary and Registration Officer: Len Howard
Len became Club Secretary in Nov 2017, taking over from Mike Hutchinson who had done the job for an impressive 21 years. The role entails the usual run-of-the-mill secretarial duties, with flurries of activity at certain times of year, notably the AGM in April. Len will also act as 'go-between' when Cycling UK wants feedback on Policy matters, and also ' service' meetings of the 9 member Group Committee.
Chairperson: Nick Hall
As Chair of Lancaster and South Lakes CTC, Nick presides at each meeting of the Club's Committee and at the Annual General Meeting. His role is to make these meetings run efficiently and in accordance with the Constitution and the Policy Handbook for Cycling UK Member Groups. He also deputises for the Club Secretary when needed.
Rides Secretary Neil Westwell
In his early years, Neil spent hours on his bike, including multi day tours to the East coast of Yorkshire and North Wales. The acquisition of a driving licence at 17 years old put a stop to that and cycling became a distant memory. 40 years later, early retirement arrived and after a few years of fell walking, cycling was back on the agenda. Neil has been an active member of CTC, or Cycling UK as it is now, for the last few years, leading many rides over that period. Taking on the role of Rides Secretary seems a natural progression from there.
Treasurer: Nigel Cole
Nigel has rediscovered the joys of cycling and extensive opportunities to explore the local area with C.T.C. He tries to make it to most Sunday rides and has been persuaded to lead one or two. Now retired, he also enjoys cycling away from home on holidays in the UK and Europe and sees the bicycle as the best way to travel and to appreciate the countryside and the views and really wants to keep stopping to take photographs.
Social Secretary: Patience Cooper
I started riding with the Club in 2005, having previously been a member of Burnley and Pendle CTC. My role is to organise social events and Club trips and holidays. I welcome suggestions about the sort of events you would enjoy.
Club President and Welfare Officer: Anne Hutchinson
I have been an active member of CTC Lancaster and South Lakes for twenty five years. For many years I have led rides in our locality, but I think the role I have enjoyed the most has been organising club holidays in various parts of the UK, and am grateful for the help I have received from many club members to make these events a success.
I am welcoming and inclusive, and will happily chat on any subject; cycling or otherwise. Always ready to lend an ear and helpful advice to all riders, as Welfare Officer, my role is to help resolve any issues within the group and make sure all members are treated fairly.
Promotions & Publicity, Diversity & Inclusion: Steve Bateman
I have been riding on the back of a tandem sporadically since about 1994 & started doing some longer rides & touring in 2001. I have been losing my sight over many years & am now at the point where I have no useful vision. Longer rides I have done include Paris Brest Paris & London Edinburgh London.
I moved to Lancaster about 4 years ago & due to the aid of various tandem pilots in the club have been able to get out fairly regularly on club rides even through some parts of lockdown. Before I moved to Lancaster I had done some riding with one of the Club’s former members, John Gilchrist. To me the club is friendly, inclusive & a force for good in the cycling community.
As Diversity and Social Inclusion Champion, I am responsible for ensuring people from a variety of races, religions, abilities, cultures and sexual identities and orientations are made to feel welcome.
Campaigns Coordinator, Events Secretary, and Webmaster:Adam Peters
Adam is a lifetime member of the Evil Cycling Lobby, and a collector of Cinelli Art Program cycling caps. He enjoys club rides, cycle touring, and Audax rides, but has also been known to ride off-road on occasions too. He joined the club in 2020 and tries to participate in as many Sunday rides as possible between other activities. Adam is a member of Cycling UK's Cycling Advocacy Network and seeks to improve conditions for cycling in the wider area.
Member without portfolio: Dave Edge
Contact details for all committee members are on the Club members only page.