Thursday ride: Millennium Bridge to Light Ash Farm on 29 August 2024

12 riders turned up at the Boot and Shoe public house for this Thursday ride. The weather was showery at first as we passed through the University and Galgate.

Our route took us through Five Lane Ends and over the River Wyre, always a pretty route. Elevenses was at Daisy CloughGarden Centre, a popular venue for cyclists. I think they like the different types of scones!

By now the weather was improving. Two riders returned home from elevenses, leaving ten to continue the ride. Our route took us over the A6 and canal, to meet the B5272. We bypassed Garstang, and turned right, through Nateby, later taking the toll bridge at Cartford to Little Eccleston, which costs 20p per bike.

We arrived at Light Ash around 12.30pm, which is near Myerscough College. Here we enjoyed some hearty meals, the weather being good enough to eat outside. Our return routetook us through St Michaels, and Pilling, where we felt the strong South Westerly winds behind us. We followed the A588 to Conder Green, which is quiet for a main “A” road. Here we split up into three groups, some riders going straight back, others taking the cycle way into Lancaster, and the remainder going for afternoon tea at Ashton Hall Garden Centre. A total distance of 47 miles.

PS Most of our riders on our Thursday rides are either retired or almost retired. If you are interested in finding out more visit CTC Lancaster & South Lakes