Thursday Ride: Millennium Bridge to Arnside on 15 August

WET AND WINDY - Thursday 15th August 

Rain showers and gusty wind was forecast for the Thursday ride. The leader was hoping that this would deter riders with a no show and one rider had already messaged to say the weather was too inclement for him. But there’s always one that is happy to face the elements and was keen to ride to the proposed coffee stop at Farlton View. So, the duo set off, the saving grace being a helpful tail wind. At coffee we met up with another rider from Kendal and the consensus was that we should continue to the planned lunch stop at the Bob In café at Arnside but by a much shorter and direct route than the leader’s planned route. Heavy rain showers were encountered en route and puddles of water were left under the table at the café. After lunch the three made their separate ways back home. The Lancaster bound pair encountered a strong and gusty headwind. The leader clocked up just shy of 40 miles for the day’s endurance and looked forward to a hot shower and a change into dry clothes.

Lancaster and South Lakes CTC have organised rides on Sunday and Thursday, new participants are always welcome! For more information see