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One off ( for now ) Salter Fell Ride for gravel and mountain bikers.

Start from Bridge House Tea shop at Wray 10:30am – come at 10am for pre-ride coffee. Up school lane then Roeburndale road up to low/mid/high Salter then onto the fell track. Brew stop at Croasdale shooting hut, about 12 miles/ 2 hours in (Bring a flask). Lunch at Slaidburn, back over the road via Cross of Greet and lanes back to Wray. Probably about 30 miles with 4-5,000’ of ascent – a tough day out but doable with reasonable fitness – not advisable on a road bike but gravel/MTB’s fine. Led by experts and no one will be left behind 😉  

Leaders: John Gilbert, Ian Roberts, Ian Wood