Kellet Crossroads to Clapham plus Alternative ride

Ride report CTC Lancaster and South Lakes 27 June  

The Thursday Ride was a fairly unique event in that there were three official rides on the same day.

The original, long published route was led by Jasper who took the lead for the first time. The ride was announced as being from Kellet Crossroads to Clapham and onto Dunsop Bridge. There was a good turnout at the start, it being a little cooler, albeit windier, than the previous hot, sunny days. Almost ideal for cycling. The intended route included Mewith Lane, but it turned out that major harvesting and tractoring was taking place in the area, so it was decided to stick to the more major roads. So through Wray, Wennington, Low and High Bentham and on to Clapham where The Old Sawmill was Jasper’s choice for coffee! And an excellent choice it was, we spent almost an hour chatting and taking advantage of the excellent refreshments.

Following discussions it was decided that one ride would become two and Neil was charged with leading a breakaway group to Ingleton via Austwick, Horton in Ribblesdale, and Ribblehead viaduct.

Jasper’s group, although slightly reduced by 4 cyclists was keen to get going, heading for Bowland Knotts. It was tough going over the Knotts with the wind and ascent combined, so lunch was taken earlier in Slaidburn, another excellent hospitality choice.

In the meantime, the breakaway group were also having a tough time riding between Ribblehead and Ingleton into a strong headwind, which slowed progress, somewhat. So lunch in Inglesport was a late affair, although the wait was well worth it, excellent food and quick service.

Jasper decided to change his route slightly, now including Cross of Greet on his journey. Unfortunately, this became a tale of punctures and bleak surroundings, although remaining dry. Taking a left before Bentham was the choice but, unluckily, it wasn’t puncture free! It was a long day, including lots of ascents and afore mentioned punctures. For Jasper’s first ride, where route changing ‘on the hoof’ was required it was extremely successful.

Back to the breakaway group, they took the Ravens Close, Wennington and Wray route home arriving well in advance of the main group.

Bowland Knotts Summit Cross of Greet Ascent

On the same day, Mike decided to offer an easier, flatter ride and his report is as follows:-

Five set out from the Boot and Shoe for the “easy” option on Thursday. Nothing exciting – we headed through the Uni and Galgate, taking route 6 to Scorton and turning right to go to Daisy Clough cafe, where we were met by Ann and Matt.

A leisurely chat there then back on the wheels into a light gale, crossing the A6 and turning right to pass Bridge 64, before turning right again on the Knott End road and a struggle against the strong south easterly, taking turns to go point, until we reached Lancaster Road and turned right towards Scronkey and Pilling. We turned right (again?) heading back to take a left (at last) down Taylor’s Lane to lunch at the Pilling Village Hall. We lost 2 to go home

After lunch we took the back lane to meet the A588, lose one more to go to a kiddies’ tea party and turn right, then left down Horse Park and left onto the Garstang road. Arriving in Winmarleigh, we turned left before the school, then at the end, left to pass the Patten’s Arms to Cockerham. Right at Cockerham and, deciding not to have early tea at Glasson, at Conder Green, Jim went over Selerley and Keith and I continued home to Ashton Road.

I forgot to mention the following wind was fantastic!

About 38 miles

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Mike Codd