Halton Station to Arnside on 6 June 2024

Start this morning was at the old(and I mean OLD) Halton station and we were aiming for an 09.15 start. For me it was after another break this time thanks to covid-19(I think the pint in Knott End was liquid covid not Carlsberg!)

Leaving the start we crossed the river on the old rackety bridge and then struggled up the short but very steep hill into Halton. A right turn at the junction let us glide through Halton village so we could turn left and soar up the apply named Arrow Lane(swift and straight we weren’t!) Going along the verdant country lanes decked with various species of hedges, grasses and flowers, listening to to chorus of the many species of birds allowed us to dropped down past the quarries to the Kellet Road and a nice flat run into Over Kellet.

Straight across at the crossroads in Over Kellet followed by the pleasant descent passing the fishing lakes and arriving at our coffee stop at Greenlands Farm at Tewitfield.

Leaving Tewitfield and looking forward to the many flat miles ahead of us, we realised that until the afternoon there weren’t any hills left(ha ha ha). A left in Burton in Kendal saw us joining the back lanes to Holme then it was straight forward towards Milnthorpe. At Ackenthwaite we turned to go to Woodhouse then descended to Heversham. Carefully crossing the busy A6 we went across the moss to the deer park gates then it was the busy road passing Sandside into Arnside.

It was months since I enjoyed a meal(plus a pint) in the Albion and it has kept up its standard.

Leaving Arnside via the big hill we went past Far Arnside, Silverdale, and in Carnforth we had a brief stop at the Brief Encounter! Ignoring the attraction of catching the train back to Lancaster we left the station and travelled back to Bolton le Sands via Crag Back then it was the familiar route back home. Arncliffe Lane, Kellet Lane cross roads, Halton Road and Lancaster.

These rides are very pleasant. The country side round Lancaster is amazing and you can plan routes to avoid those tin boxes on wheels!

Just look at the view from the prom at Arnside!

Jim Gardner