CTC  Ride Report    Sunday   28th Jan. 2024

It was an overcast day for the Cyclists Touring Club late January Sunday ride, but unusually no rain or ice to contend with. Roadside verges heralded Spring, with white carpets of snowdrops and the odd clump of daffodils. It was a good turnout for the time of year, with seven riders ( three on electrics) assembling in the Square at Carnforth.

 Climbs under craggy woodlands seemed to be the theme of the ride, starting off with the steady ascent through Hyning woods to Yealand Conyers, and the swift descent through the village to Redmayne. A steeper climb up Thrang End awaited after the junction at Storrs, with the electrics forging ahead as a courtesy to following motorists. Good brakes and vigilance were needed at the foot of the swoop down to the awkward right turn on the bend. The next woodland climb took us up a steepening ascent to Slack Head, followed by a careful descent down the narrow and winding hill to Beetham. The church timepiece announced that it was just after 10 o’clock, and it was heartening to find that the old Post Office café is reopening in March. Another option for our café to café cycling style.

The coffee stop at Arnside New Barns was beckoning, as we appreciated the parkland vistas on the descent to Dallam Bridge. Traffic was light on the Sandside road, and day trippers had not yet arrived on Arnside prom. Bob had cycled direct to Bob-In, and joined us for coffee and scones. By the time we left, the lanes and shoreline were getting busier with walkers, and most of us returned on the direct route around the coast to Silverdale and on to Carnforth. Despite the lack of sunshine, there were interesting lighting effects on the Bay as we came down to the shore from Far Arnside.

A pleasant morning’s ride of about 30 to 40 miles for most, with some hills to exercise the legs in expectation of longer rides as the days lengthen.

CTC welcomes new members on our rides. Take a look at our website for what our Rides Diary offers you. We also offer regular social events.    www.ctclancaster.org.uk

Len Howard