Mike Bridges' Solo Rides

On Len’s topic of "brief encounters", I took the opportunity on Sunday last to repeat the Scorton and Chipping ride I did with Ian the other week.  He decided to get to Chipping via the Trough of Bowland.  I found it hard work at the time since I hadn't done much riding for a while.  The adverse wind back to Preston didn't help either!

Since then I have completed a few mid-week rides of 2 or 3 hours plus my own long ride a week ago Sunday to Scorton and Pilling.  On repeating the route to Scorton and Chipping this time, however, I found the hills easier!

I was having my sandwiches at Chipping when I heard a mewing sound.  On looking up, a lone buzzard cruised past, emitting the sounds they normally make to their mate at this time of year.  It lazily looped once and continued to follow the road, eastward out of Chipping.  No sight of any mate.

Since Sunday, of course, we have had "lockdown" imposed.  As cyclists, we are very lucky we have Boris's permission to ride (I still don't trust him!) and bike shops are apparently still open.  I say apparently, because things have changed a bit for me.  My wife falls into the "vulnerable" group, so that means I have to be very careful.  To make sure that happens, I have invested in a turbo trainer.  I wouldn't normally bother - I feel sorry for those that seem not be able to cycle except via electronic "Peloton cycling".

However, by this means I can get some cycling exercise without even leaving the kitchen (on a clean bike, of course!) So far, I have had a couple of 1 hour sessions.  The scenery is a little unchanging and I still prefer the real thing, but use of a turbo trainer makes for a good workout.  At the end of an hour I am bathed in sweat and my legs know they have been used!

For those who are interested in such data, I have discovered (via a suitable app on my phone and my re-sited cycle computer) that in each hour I have covered a virtual 20 mile ride, generating around 110 Watts of power at a cadence of around 70 rpm in the gear I am currently using.

I guess that by the time I see you all again, I will be able to cycle as far in an hour as I used to in 60 minutes!