Ride to Arnside (18/10/20)
I am not writing a detailed report of yesterday’s ride. I dare say that some will interpret current instructions to mean that one cannot visit areas of lower levels of Covid infection. The restrictions are capable of being interpreted in a variety of ways. My current style of riding includes no café stops or any other form of planned interaction with locals.
We were quickly into the ride, with a morning stretch along the A6 via Lancaster and Carnforth to Leisure Lakes before turning for Warton. We continued to Silverdale via the entrance to Leighton Hall and took a break on a bench near the RSPB reserve. Our only conversation was with fellow group member Ruth who was on her way to the reserve for a coffee. It was good to see her out.
Our route continued along Slackwood Lane to Silverdale then past Arnside Tower to Arnside, the way lined with trees whose foliage was tinted in a variety of autumnal colours. Apart from taking a few photos, we did not stop but headed onwards for Milnthorpe, then Ackenthwaite, turning southwards for Holme and Burton.
We took lunch at Over Kellet, where, ironically, we spotted Ruth returning to Lancaster, probably under the impression that Ian and I do nothing but eat (Bench to Bench rather than Café to Café). We continued via the Kellet’s to Halton and Caton, picking up the road for Quernmore.
Safely south of the Lune, we headed for Scorton, then onwards using Route 6 and Route 90 to reach Bilsborrow and Woodplumpton, separating at Cottam to make our separate ways home. The result – 98 miles of enjoyment for me; slightly less for Ian. We are heading south east again next week.
Mike Bridges