Ride Report – Sunday Impromptu, 31st December 2017
/Eight riders, Anne and Mike, Len and Patience, Neil, Mike C, Matt and Frank assembled at Millennium Bridge, hoping that the cataclysmic forecast of gale force winds was a touch pessimistic. As it turned out, conditions were near-perfect for a mid-winter’s ride, especially when the wind was at our backs.
Anne had only to mention the fact that Brucciani’s were doing a two-for-one coffee offer for us to leap on our bikes and follow her and Mike to Morecambe via Salt Ayre, Middleton and Heysham. The exceptionally high tide meant that we couldn’t take the usual cycle route past Snatchems, so we had to brave the first part of the main road to Heysham. Fortunately the Sunday traffic was light and we reached the turn-off towards Middleton without mishap. The ride along the promenade from Heysham to Morecambe was an absolute pleasure, with the wind at our backs, the sun shining and some splendid waves being blown into the shore.
After an extended coffee break, four of the riders decided to make the most of the fair conditions, and continued north along the Promenade, further marvelling at the impressive seascapes. Lunch was taken at an expectedly busy Leighton Moss, where Ruth joined us. On the way there Patience and Len met our President Ray Moss quite serendipitously, at the entrance to the Warton Crag Quarry car park, from where he was setting out for a walk.
The light began to fade as we took our separate routes home, most of us just managing to avoid the onset of rain at 3pm, an hour earlier than forecast.
Len and Patience