Another week in lockdown and I am beginning to sympathise with Ken, although I am managing my solo rides quite well, thank you.
On Monday, for the first time since the solo ride regime began, I decided to go South. Garstang was the choice, with a call at Forton on the return leg.
This, of course, is Ken’s most visited destination, although not, perhaps, in the current circumstances. I can understand Ken’s desire to find a companion to ride with, but proposing to gain a riding partner by marriage is a bit extravagant! In his superbly worded, almost truthful, advert in his favourite Italian magazine he offered his Colnago as a dowry. To enhance this generous suggestion, use of Microwave was also offered. My concern in this respect is possibly what may be lost in translation. Perhaps offering Colnago may be misunderstood by his new Italian friend to be some sort of folded Pizza. What nice Italian young lady would not be tempted by the offer of Microwaved pizza and a young good looking Englishman. There may be many applicants!
I would, at this stage, advise Ken to just take a step back and consider other options. With this lockdown now about to enter the fifth week, and all these married couples spending all their time together, there may be some re-evaluations occurring. This could result in several spare cycling companions becoming available. They might even come with their own microwave!
Back to my ride for now, anyway. Before reaching Garstang, cycling through Forton, Matt was coming the other way. On the return leg, as I reached Winmarleigh, I was pleased to see Sue Lucas coming towards me, so we stopped for a chat, whilst, of course, observing social distancing. As we dallied, Mike Hutch. flashed past, giving a quick greeting as he went by.
Sue and I said goodbye and went our separate ways. Approaching Stodday, on the main road, I was delighted to see Tracey and Peter walking towards me. I hadn’t seen them since February so it was nice to stop for another chat. Onto Aldcliffe and, hey up, Tim and Molly coming towards me, another chat before continuing.
So much for solo riding and no socialising, I had more conversations on this ride than a pre lockdown ride! Excellent! Please note, social distancing was observed at all times!
Onto Wednesday, where shall I go today? North is favourite, the roads are definitely quieter, although on my previous rides I have not bumped into as many friends as Monday. I’ve always liked the route to Sizergh Castle, so knowing all National Trust properties are currently closed, I decided to follow the route and choose a different coffee and cake stop en route. I passed Sizergh Castle where the gates were actually open, but I wasn’t tempted, so I carried on up the hill and down to Levens which became my choice of coffee stop. My trusty flask served its purpose once more, together with one of my home baked scones.
I decided to carry on to my favourite destination, Arnside, and took a quick drink from my flask before continuing home over the ‘Knott’.
Friday, and another ride. This lockdown is turning out to be very cyclist friendly, but we shouldn’t abuse it, so all my rides are morning only rides, and no more than every other day. Good exercise, although not as much as normal. However, given all the home maintenance jobs I seem to be doing, I’m getting plenty of exercise elsewhere. All the garden furniture renovated, the bathroom redecorated, even some gardening! A bike ride is like a rest!
Arnside seems to be a suitable destination, which way though? I thought I’d try via Sunnybank so I could achieve a ‘few hills’. Arnside was the coffee stop and the end of the pier seemed a good choice. Soon after arriving, I was joined by a man and his son who said they were from Bolton-le-Sands. On recognising the Dad’s bike as similar to one of my old bikes, the conversation revealed that it was my old bike, and we all remembered meeting to make the sale. Small world! As usual, home via the Knott, and in plenty of time for lunch. My old bike was immaculate!!
Today’s ride? Arnside! Why not? Plenty of different ways to go to Arnside and Arnside is just so quiet at the moment. Via Heversham was today’s route which makes it about 24 miles to the pier. Just riding into Arnside from Sandside, I spotted Geoff riding in from Silverdale, so we rode in together, maintaining the appropriate distance between us. We stopped on the pier and out came my trusty flask. Suddenly there were three of us as Ken also arrived. As three people who have all had their birthdays in the last 3 weeks it was nice to catch up. It was mid February when we had last been together. Social distancing was always maintained as we chatted and we left separately in different directions. Home again in time for lunch.
4 rides this week, 150 miles, 8500 ft of ascent, all morning rides. Last coat of preservative on the garden furniture tomorrow! Ride on Tuesday, or is it going to rain?
Neil Westwell
26 April 2020